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- Meningkatkan Kinerja Komputer

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2 Januari 2010


It's interesting that editing software of all levels has gained features unimaginable even a couple of years ago, while becoming easier to use at the same time. This is the case with Corel VideoStudio Pro X2. For a lot of quick editing jobs, there's really not much this program can't do

We started editing with some sample footage from an unencrypted DVD, Hitachi Blu-ray Disc camcorder and a Panasonic AVCHD camcorder. With any of these formats, it's as simple as opening the File menu and selecting Insert Media File to either Timeline or Library. Going to the timeline is the best choice if you want to use a clip within only one specific project, but we'd recommend going to the library with any clips that you might want to use again. The reason is in the next paragraph.
VideoStudio Pro includes a Smart Proxy feature that is very useful (particularly if you have a slower computer). SmartProxy will create a proxy file (a conversion of the HD file that is easier for less-powerful machines to handle) automatically upon the first use of an asset, if needed. If you have brought your media files into the library, the proxy file will stay available to other projects, saving you negligible time but a significant number of disk accesses and CPU resources the next time the clip is used, since the program won't create another proxy file. However, after you have been using Smart Proxy for a while, you'll find that it has taken up a lot of disk space with proxy files. There is a proxy file manager on hand that also tracks the last proxy file that you used, so you can clean up your proxy files relatively easily as a matter of routine computer maintenance.
If you're finding yourself needing to convert video from analog formats, you'll appreciate the many remastering features. There is automatic color and tone correction, a de-blocking filter for use with overly-compressed sources and a de-snow filter for use with very old analog sources.
A full slate of transitions is available at your disposal. You access the NewBlue Film Effects (unique to the VideoStudio Pro version) through the Video Filter submenu.
We found that it is very easy to apply overlays. It's simply a matter of laying tracks down in the second video track, known as the overlay track....

Link :
Download Here Part 1
Download Here Part 2
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