- Bikin Software Trial Jadi Seumur Hidup

Ouww masa trial software sudah habis.... Pengen cari crack atau keygen nya susah juga apalagi untuk cari Serial Number nya, ehh ternyata ada juga solusi nya untuk mengatasi agar masa trial bisa jadi selamanya alias seumur hidup..
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- Meningkatkan Kinerja Komputer

Langsung saja tidak usah kelamaan. Beberapa tips meningkatkan kinerja komputer yang mudah-mudahan berguna buat anda. Tips tersebut sebagai berikut :
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12 Januari 2010

naikkan traffic dengan

dah pagi aja ini ternyata.... ada yang pernah dengar tentang
klo belum mari bahas itu di ini post ....

apa itu?

The Basics

Explanation of different pages
This will explain what each of the pages you see on the top navigation does. Includes explanations for the “Dashboard,” “Get Code,” “Campaign,” “Shop,” “Blog,” “Forums,” and “Statistics.”

Placing the widget on your blog
Placing the widget on your blog should be as simple as clicking “Get code”, and copying the correct code from there into your blog, but if you have any trouble, this guide should help.

Dropping your card
Dropping your card is as simple as going to an Entrecard members blog (Try the Campaign page), and clicking on the Drop button. In this guide, you can find out more about how dropping works, how you gain credits from dropping (and being dropped on), and what to do when you can't drop properly.

Earning Credits
This guide outlines the various ways of earning credits for use on Entrecard.

This guide outlines how to advertise on other Entrecard widgets.

Dashboard Settings
The dashboard is the key to taking control of your Entrecard experience. The amount of information can be a little daunting, but this guide will help you understand how it works and what you can do.

The Feedback Form
The #1 best way to get feedback to us is the feedback form on your Dashboard.

Recent Droppers Widget
How to add a widget to your blog that displays the recent droppers.
More features

Keep track of your favorite Entrecard blogs, this guide shows you how.

News Feed
The news feed extends Favorites by letting you track the activities of your favorites, to help you spot trends and see when your friends have posted on the forum, or bought an ad.

The Shop
The shop lets you put your credits to work, a wide variety of items and services are available for purchase in credits, from various advertising opportunities, through to dvds, music and special Entrecard upgrades.

ECX - The Entrecard Credit exchange Trading credits for cash is completely allowed by Entrecard, and a number of third parties allow you to buy or sell credits, including via eBay. ECX is the upcoming credit exchange provided by Entrecard.

The Forum
The forum provides a place for discussion between Entrecard users, enabling people to get in touch with Entrecard and each other in a friendly environment.
Articles and guides

How to use Entrecard to grow your blog
A simple introduction to Entrecard, with a month by month plan focusing on bringing benefits to your blog using Entrecard, by CK Marketing

Placing your Entrecard widget on your blog
Placement of your widget can have significant effects on the number of drops you receive, and how welcome Entrecarders feel when they visit. Check Ben Barden's article about widget placement.

Entrecard for Advertisers
Learn about the effects of Entrecard on a blog, from traffic distribution to the benefits of the new “Commuter” class of traffic.

Getting the most out of Entrecard
An acclaimed article outlining the less obvious benefits of Entrecard, and how to make the most of them, by Spontaneous Derivation

Top 5 Entrecard Tips and Tricks
Turnip of Power brings you his top 5 Entrecard tips and tricks, for both card droppers and publishers.
References and rules

Dropping restrictions
How many cards can I drop? How many accounts can I have?

The Credit Economy
Confused as to why your blog has the advertising price it does? unsure what the tax rate is on shop items? see this complete reference.

Reporting Sites for TOS Violations
A large number of new sites join Entrecard every day. Occasionally you'll encounter sites you're not sure should be here, this guide highlights things to look for, and what to do if you find bad sites.

Illegal Activities
We're mostly pretty fun around here, but we do have a small number of strict rules in order to make sure that everything runs smoothly for everyone. Check this guide for details on security and other rules.

cara" nya di bawah ini :
1. sign up dulu, isi data2nya yang jujur.
2. pasang widget codenya di situs Anda.
3. Approve kalau ada yang ngiklan (ada di Dashboard - Advertisers)
4. DROP EC di situs lain (ada di Campaign)
5. bisa juga DROP EC memakai third party seperti
6. 1 hari maksimal DROP EC sebanyak 300 DROPS

ada pertanyaan?
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

1 comments: on "naikkan traffic dengan"

nanangagussubekti mengatakan...

Trims infonya, ini merupakan ilmu baru yang akan saya terapkan, oiya… bagi teman teman yang mau bisnis pulsa elektrik silahkan main ke blog saya, harga kami jamin murah dan bukan MLM

Keuntungan bergabung dengan kami :
1. Harga murah
2. Stock ready
3. Modal kecil (Rp 50.000,00 sudah bisa jualan pulsa)
4. Pendaftaran gratis
5. Transaksi cepat

Posting Komentar

Info Pilihan Identitas Jika Berkomentar: Google/Blogger : Khusus yang punya Account Blogger. Wordpress : Blog degan account wordpress Name/URL : Jika tidak punya account blogger namun punya alamat Blog atau Website. Anonymous : Jika tidak ingin mempublikasikan profile anda.

Jika teman-teman menyukai artikel-nya silahkan copy paste dan tinggalkan pesan disini....